Grand Tour: Italy’s food industry tours Europe under the banner of 150 years of national unity

“Grand Tour. Italian taste in Europe”, an initiative by Autogrill, Unioncamere and Assocamerestero to bring genuine Italian quality products to European consumers was presented today at the offices of the Foreign Press Association in Rome.

Till 11 December, 600 Autogrill points of sale in six European countries - France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Austria – are offering various menus featuring recipes based on quality products typical of the three Italian regions (Campania, Emilia Romagna and Piemonte) chosen as Italian food ambassadors.

This “Grand Tour” will be travelling to over 600 Autogrill points of sale across more than 180 locations, including 130 on motorways, six in airports, 19 in railway stations and 16 in high street and shopping centres.

The initiative is expected to reach around 14 million European travellers.