Autogrill participates in Tutto Food- Milano World Food Exhibition

Autogrill partecipates in TuttoFood (Fiera Rho Pero, pad. 13, 8-11th of May) - one of the most important professional fair of the food sector opened to institutions, organizations and operators

Autogrill partecipates in TuttoFood (Fiera Rho Pero, pad. 13, 8-11th of May) - one of the most important professional fair of the food sector opened to institutions, organizations and operators - to present his own role in the italian agricultural and food die with an institutional stand inside the pavillion where Region, Provinces and Associations are located. Starting from the Group international dimension, the mounting develops a path in which is explained the link/value of Autogrillwith territory throug some areas of developped activities: from the Sagre operations to the marketing of national and local specialties; from the alliance between Autogril and small and medium firms as innovation engine to the experiences abroad in the promotion of the italian certificated products.

Furthermore, Autogrill has also organized, in collaboration with FIPE, the convention titled "Il pranzo fuori casa degli italiani: ieri, oggi, domani", scheduled on monday 9th of May at 15:30 in which Giuseppe Cerroni, Autogrill's General Manager Communications and Public Affairs will take part together with Giuseppe Minoia, Eurisko President, and Francesco Maietta, Social Policies Manager -Censis Foundation.