Supportiveness and diversity for an inclusive business culture

"We strive to build a respectful and conscious environment and we support the integration of people with disadvantages in the labor market and in developing their talents".

Creating an increasingly supportive organization is a key value for Autogrill and one of the main goals of its strategic sustainability roadmap, Make It Happen. This is why Autogrill Group, with people at its centre, has for years been committed to fostering a culture of diversity on multiple fronts and offering concrete job opportunities to people who are classed as fragile in terms of employability.

In this context, in 2022, Autogrill launched 43 recruiting campaigns addressing categories with limited access to the labour market, such as disabled people, detainees, refugees and other disadvantaged individuals.

disabled people

Autogrill: a workplace open to all

In Europe

Autogrill’s commitment to welcoming fragile categories into the Group has had tangible results in all its Business Units, which have all embarked on inclusion projects in collaboration with local organizations to support and develop all human resources so that no one will feel excluded.

In Europe in 2022, Autogrill Italia launched a number of initiatives of this type. They included “Riparto da me” - in collaboration with Fondazione Adecco – which enabled the employment of ten detainees from Bollate Prison (MI) on a daily work permit basis.

Also in Italy in 2022, Autogrill initiated a project to employ differently-abled people in its points of sale and renewed partnerships with organizations in this sector, such as Coordown, which safeguards the rights of people affected by Down syndrome.

And to create a working environment that’s genuinely inclusive and attentive to everyone’s needs, a webinar course was organized for the company’s disability contacts, aimed at facilitating relations with autistic people in the workplace.

person affected by Down syndrome working in a Autogrill store

autistic employee testing applications and data platform

Autogrill in Italy has also been collaborating for over three years with Auticon, an IT consulting firm whose employees are all autistic.

Auticon people work with Autogrill’s IT team to carry out applications testing and data platform development. The specific skills of these Auticon consultants compensate and integrate those of our "neurotypical" people, thus enabling rapid and high quality releasing of the Group’s IT solutions.

Similar projects have been undertaken in other European countries where the Group operates. In France, for example, an agreement was entered in 2022 with the association Job à coeur to facilitate the employment of vulnerable categories, such as single mothers and disabled people, and a partnership with Adecco Group to secure employment for Ukrainian refugees.  

Autogrill in Italy has also provided training and job placements in this context. In collaboration with Cometa, an organization specializing in supporting and training young people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds, Autogrill now employs six Ukrainian refugees in points of sale at Milan’s Stazione Centrale.

single mother of the Job à coeur project

International commitment

Collaboration with local associations in various other countries has made it possible to offer jobs to refugees, differently-abled people and people involved in job placement or re-training programmes. Partnership with a local association in the United Kingdom, for example, made it possible to obtain work permits for 20 cooks recruited in the Middle and Far East.

student affected by Down syndrome

Another virtuous example is underway in the United States, where an initiative was launched in collaboration with the Special School District of the city of Saint Louis to enable students with disabilities between 16 and 18 to receive coaching to boost their occupational skills.


In 2022, Autogrill was employing 461 people falling under protected categories (excluding the figure for North America due to local privacy legislation), which goes to show the Group’s commitment to offering equal job opportunities for everyone.

But the Group’s efforts to support, train and employ the more fragile members of society don’t stop here. Autogrill is continuing to enter partnerships and collaborations with numerous organizations and invest in concrete projects facilitating the employment of anyone finding themselves in disadvantaged conditions. For supportiveness, inclusion and promotion of differences are key values at Autogrill.