Bistrot Fiorenzuola d’Arda : discovering our producers

The people and stories that create the territory's culinary delights (part one)

We have already met some of them at the inauguration of the BistroFiorenzuola d’Arda . They are the local producers, the artisans of taste whose creations are the heart and soul of what we offer and of the philosophy behind the concept proposed by Autogrill for a new way of catering on the road. At the iconic bridge-style service area of Fiorenzuola d’Arda travelers come in contact with the heirs of the great culinary traditions of Piacenza and Parma. We will help you discover the uniqueness of the products and the business stories behind them in the first part of two episodes dedicated to them.

Fratelli Salini: a tradition of excellence

Fratelli Salini was set up in 1820 in the mountains of Groppallo, at one thousand meters above sea level in the Apennines on the border between Liguria and Emilia, where the sea breeze renders the climate mild and moderately dry, perfect for the seasoning of their products.

Their prime products are Coppa di Montagna of the Nure Valley (air-cured pork), Pancetta di Collina (bacon) and, last but not least, Mariola Cruda Piacentina, a traditional salame from the province of Piacenza that Fratelli Salini prepare in the traditional way and which has been recognized as a Slow Food Product.

Azienda Agricola Pisaroni: natural preserves, from the garden to the jar

The Azienda Agricola Pisaroni at Soarza in Villanova sull’Arda in the province of Piacenza, is located in an old farmstead called Pizzavacca, of which traces can be found on a map dating from 1581 at the Vatican Gallery. Here the raw materials grown in the surrounding fields are transformed into jams and fruit nectar, and into sauces and vegetables preserved in oil or vinegar, including the famous Giardiniera (mixed pickled vegetables).

In 2015 the Pizzavacca farmstead was one of the forty Italian businesses to be given an award by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry and asked to represent the Italian agricultural sector at the 33rd edition of ANUGA, one of the world's most important agricultural trade fairs, which takes place in Cologne, in Germany. 

Parmareggio: leader in the production of distinctive cheese

Parmareggio, founded in 1983 at Montecavolo di Quattro Castella among the hills of Emilia has become, within just a few years, a leading company at international level for the production of Parmigiano Reggiano DOP. Today it produces 210,000 wheels of cheese per year, thanks to the biggest production chain worldwide in the sector, along with a wide range of dairy products including butter.

Parmareggio was the first company in the sector to communicate it's brand values through a TV campaign and it contributed to the constitution of the Consortium “Italia del Gusto – La Gastronomia di Marca”(The Taste of Italy - Brand Gastronomy) with the aim of promoting Italian culture and gastronomy all over the world.

Cavalier Umberto Boschi: the essence of salame in the territory

Founded in 1922 at Felino, in the province of Parma, Cavalier Umberto Boschi produces salame with selected meats from the best Italian farms, in particular, Salame Felino IGP, recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and by the Region as a traditional food product. In 2012, during the London Olympics, the chef Nicola Batavia chose Cavalier Umberto Boschi to supply some of the salumeria's prime products to the Nike VIP House.


 Salumificio Giordano: the taste of Piacenza's traditional salumeria

The Salumificio Giordano was founded in 1977 by Giordano Michelazzi, who, despite an established career in cycling decided to go back to work in the family business, started in the early 1900's by his grandfather Eliseo.
Today the Salumificio is located in Carpaneto, a town in the province of Piacenza with a microclimate that’s ideal for seasoning, where it produces Coppa Piacentina, Salame Piacentino and Pancetta Piacentina DOP, and is associated with the Consorzio Salumi Tipici Piacentini (Consortium of traditional cured meats) and the Consorzio di Tutela Salumi DOP Piacentini (Consortium for the protection of salame DOP from Piacenza).

So here we conclude the first round, stay tuned to learn about the other Bistrot Fiorenzuola d'Arda's  producers!

The promotion of Piacenza's culinary tradition follows in the footsteps of another Group initiative: in fact, in 2012 Autogrill created the brand “Territorio Piacenza” and offered over a hundred local dishes and traditional products, including twenty certified specialties, in six of its motorway service areas.