Responsible sourcing

“We commit to ensuring a sustainable, ethical supply chain and adopting responsible practices in raw materials selection.”

We therefore strive to create supplier relationships based on transparency, integrity, impartiality, and contractual fairness, favoring domestic and local suppliers wherever possible.

For us, responsibly managing the supply chain means ensuring not only business continuity and high standards of food quality and safety, but also respect for human rights and the environment.

This is why we have introduced, in early 2023, the new Supplier Code of Conduct. The document, in compliance with the general principles enshrined in the Group Code of Ethics, marks another step forward in creating a business that is more sustainable towards the environment and more respectful towards all workers involved within the value chain.


Animal welfare

We acknowledge our responsibility to promote sustainable, responsible purchasing that protects animal welfare in accordance with laws, regulations, and international best practices, with a particular focus on the different markets and contexts in which we’re committed to guaranteeing animal welfare in our business.

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