Autogrill: appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors - two lists of candidates filed

Milan – With reference to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting called for 24 May 2018 (single call) to resolve upon - among other matters - the appointment of the new Board of Statutory Auditors, Autogrill (Milan: AGL IM) announces that the following two lists of candidates for appointment to the Board of Statutory Auditors were filed within the mandatory deadline stated by applicable law:

  • list submitted by Schematrentaquattro S.p.A., holding a total of 50.1% in Autogrill’s share capital (127,454,400 voting shares), foreseeing as follows:

Standing auditors:

  1. Massimo Catullo
  2. Antonella Carù
  3. Michaela Castelli

Alternate auditors:

  1. Patrizia Paleologo Oriundi
  2. Giorgio Silva
  • list submitted by a group of asset management companies and institutional investors, holding a total of 3.36475% in Autogrill’s share capital (8,559,924 voting shares), foreseeing as follows:

Standing auditors:

Marco Rigotti

Alternate auditors:

Roberto Miccú

The above lists and the relevant supporting documentation are available to shareholders and the public at the Company’s registered office and secondary headquarters, at Borsa Italiana S.p.A., on the central storage mechanism named 1Info ( and on the Company’s website (, Governance – Shareholders’ Meeting section).