Let's shape our values

Be passionate, be open, set the pace, be reliable, keep it simple. 

I nostri valori

What do a purple bicycle and a glimpse of the sky filled with coloured umbrellas have in common?

And what is the link between a baby using a plate like a hat and adults lying on the ground?

And, above all, how can they all be connected with strange, colourful origami shapes?

The link is Autogrill. Or rather, Autogrill values. And, above all, Autogrill people.

But let’s start at the beginning of the story.

In 2014 we started over with our values: Passion, Willingness, Rapidity, Reliability, Simplicity. We want to share them as much as possible with our people. 

Yes, but how?

Photo Challenge


Our collaborators all over Europe competed for a month, taking photos of the moments and situations that best represented our values and voting for their favourites. Visual transposition of our characteristics had never been so much fun!


A 4-week competition, 454 photos uploaded to our platform, over 1250 voters in 6 countries (Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium)

Competition winners

BE PASSIONATE - Sabrina Stolzenberg - 210 likes

BE OPEN - Birgit Schollmeyer - 173 likes

SET THE PACE - Ylenia Pagani - 90 likes

KEEP IT SIMPLE - Robert Buti - 92 likes

BE RELIABLE - Monica Melillo - 154 likes


The Origami campaign 


To stimulate the creativity of our collaborators with a video campaign teaching them how to make 5 origami shapes, one for each value. A flower, a windmill, a heart, a box and a boat, bright and colourful. We asked our people to explain how they put that particular value into their daily work and the comments and answers we received were full of enthusiasm.


Loads of comments on the intranet portal, photos and a wave of colours that brought even more light into our workplaces.

The Origami campaign videos
