Filing of minority lists of candidates for the Statutory Auditors of Autogrill S.p.A.

Milan, 07 April 2009 - Pursuant to the provisions of art. 144-octies, clause 2 of Consob Listed Companies Regulation, Autogrill S.p.A. (Milan: AGL IM) hereby announces that on expiry of the term of fifteen days before the date fixed for the 1st call ordinary meeting of shareholders on 21st April 2009, no minority lists of candidate statutory auditors had been filed.

According to art. 144-sexies, clause 5 of Consob Listed Companies Regulation, therefore, shareholders who singly or jointly represent at least 0.75% of the Company’s share capital may submit a list of candidate statutory auditors by 11th April 2009, along with the documentation required under current law and the Company’s by-laws.